Justice Jyoti Singh

Born on 1.10.1966, graduated in Botany (Hons.) from Kirori Mal College, Delhi University. Acquired L.L.B. degree from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University.
Enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi.
Practiced before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, High Court of Delhi and Tribunals.
Held the following appointments:
• Senior Counsel for the Government of India in the High Court of Delhi
• Standing Counsel for UPSC
• Standing Counsel for DTC
• Standing Counsel for Delhi Government in Central Administrative Tribunal
• Additional Standing Counsel for NDMC
• Panel Counsel for Provident Fund, DDA and Canara Bank
Was a member of Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee and participated in Lok Adalats and workshops organised by the Committee.
Specialised in service matters, particularly Armed Forces and Para-Military Forces.
Was appointed as Amicus Curiae in a number of cases by the High Court of Delhi and the Armed Forces Tribunal.
Designated as Senior Advocate in 2011 by the High Court of Delhi.
Elevated as Judge of High Court of Delhi on 22.10.2018.