Justice Suresh Kumar Kait

Justice Suresh Kumar Kait was born on May 24, 1963 at Village Kakaut, Distt. Kaithal, Haryana, India. Graduated in Humanity from University College Kurukshetra. During graduation, he was selected as Unit Leader in National Service Scheme (NSS) and was awarded University Merit Certificate. Post-Graduated in Political Science from Kurukshetra University. During Post-Graduation, he was elected as Joint Secretary of Students’ Union, Kurukshetra University. He obtained Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi and was enrolled as an Advocate in the year 1989. Justice Kait is first in the family who became the Advocate. He had been the Panel Lawyer/Senior Counsel for U.P.S.C. and Railways. He was appointed as Standing Counsel for Central Government in the year 2004 and continued till his elevation. He was elevated as an Additional Judge of Delhi High Court on 5th September, 2008; and became a Permanent Judge on 12.04.2013. Transferred to High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh w.e.f. 12.04.2016.
Transferred to Delhi High Court w.e.f. 12.10.2018.