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244th Report on Electoral Disqualifications (LCIR-244)
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244th Report on Electoral Disqualifications (LCIR-244)
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248th Interim Report on Obsolete Laws (LCIR-248)
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249th Second Interim Report on Obsolete Laws (LCIR-249)
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A continuum on the General Clauses Act, 1897 with special reference to the admissibility and codification of external aids to interpretation of statutes (LCIR-183)
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A New Forum for Judicial Appointments (LCIR-121)
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Access to Exclusive Forum for Victims of Motor Accidents Under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (LCIR-119)
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Admirality Jurisdiction (LCIR-151)
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Amendment of Army, Navy and Air Force Acts (LCIR-169)
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Amendment of Code of Criminal Procedure Enabling Restoration of Complaints (LCIR-233