Justice M K Sharma

Justice Dr. Mukundakam Sharma, M.A., LL.B., Ph.D. - Born on 18.9.1946. Enrolled as and Advocate on 16.6.1970. Practised in the Gauhati High Court in Constitutional, Service, Civil and Taxation matter etc. Worked as Panel and Government Lawyer for the States of Assam and Manipur and also Railways. Was the Standing Counsel for State of Mizoram from 1981 to 1988 and Advocate General of the same State from 28.4.1988 to 7.2.1989. Was designated as Senior Advocate on 1.1.1988. Worked as Advocate General for State of Nagaland from April, 1992 to January 1994. Was a part-time Lecturer in Law in Gauhati University Law College from 1979 to 1992. Was associated with research work in Law Research Institute, Gauhati High Court and gave legal shape to the customary laws of the tribes of the North East. Appointed as permanent Judge of the Gauhati High Court from 10.1.1994. Transferred to Patna High Court and joined on 14.2.1994. Transferred to Delhi High Court on 12.12.1994. Elevated as Acting Chief Justice of Delhi High Court w.e.f. 28-11-2006. Elevated as Chief Justice of Delhi High Court w.e.f. 04-12-2006.
By virtue of being the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court is discharging the function of Chancellor of National Law School of Delhi University. Participated in a number of national and international seminars, in India and abroad, in various fields, particularly in Arbitration, Mediation, Plea Bargaining, Judicial Reforms and Intellectual Property Rights.
Elevated as Judge of Supreme Court w.e.f. 9.4.2008.