Justice Yogeshwar Dayal

Justice Yogeshwar Dayal, B.A., LL.B. - Born on 18th November, 1930. Educated at S.D. High School, Lahore (Pakistan), R.P.S.D. High School, Simla, Bhargava Municipal College, Simla and Law Faculty University of Delhi, Delhi. Enrolled as an Advocate of the Punjab high Court on 8th December, 1955. Did Civil, Criminal and all other types of work in the Punjab High Court and the Delhi High Court. Conducted cases of behalf of Commissioner of Income Tax Delhi, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Life Insurance Corporation of India etc. Was Additional Standing Counsel of Delhi Administration since November, 1971. Appointed additional Judge of w.e.f. 28th February, 1974. Appointed as permanent Judge on 28-2-76(F.N). Appointed Chief Justice of Delhi High Court on 21-08-1987. Transferred as Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court on 18-03-1988.