Archive Pdf Cause List

Sr. No. Cause List Date View / Download
71 Supplementary Pronouncement-2 of Judgment on 02.04.2024 02-04-2024 Supplementary Pronouncement-2 of Judgment on 02.04.2024
72 Supplementary Pronouncement-3 of Judgment on 02.04.2024 02-04-2024 Supplementary Pronouncement-3 of Judgment on 02.04.2024
73 Supplementary Pronouncement-4 of Judgment on 02.04.2024 02-04-2024 Supplementary Pronouncement-4 of Judgment on 02.04.2024
74 Supplementary Cause List-4 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Supplementary Cause List-4 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024
75 Pronouncement of Judgement on 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Pronouncement of Judgement on 01.04.2024
76 Deletion Note for 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Deletion Note for 01.04.2024
77 Supplementary Cause List-2 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Supplementary Cause List-2 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024
78 Supplementary Pronouncement-1 of Judgment on 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Supplementary Pronouncement-1 of Judgment on 01.04.2024
79 Supplementary Cause List-3 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Supplementary Cause List-3 of Sitting of Benches for 01.04.2024
80 Supplementary Pronouncement-2 of Judgment on 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Supplementary Pronouncement-2 of Judgment on 01.04.2024