Justice Vijender Jain

HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE VIJENDER JAIN M.A., LL.B. -- Born on 2.8.1946. Enrolled as an Advocate on 25.7.1969. Practised in the Supreme Court of India and High Courts but mainly in Delhi High Court in Civil, Constitutional, taxation and company matters etc. Has been recipient of many international awards for friendship between the people of India and other countries. Designated Senior Advocate in May 1990 by Delhi High Court. Appointed as permanent Judge in Delhi High Court from 24.12.1992. Has contributed and participated in many International Symposium and Seminars dealing with Human Rights, Alternate Dispute Redressal mechanism, private and public international law and the applicability of International Law into the Municipal Law. Represented India in various International Conferences and also participated in the Conferences of International Law Association. Member of its Committee on Human Rights. Hony.Secretary of International Law Association, India Chapter. One of the Indian Judges whose judgment on Intellectual Property Rights has been reported in foreign journal i.e. (2003) Fleet Street Reports 18. Recently Justice Jain was invited by the Thai Supreme Court to share the experience of India in the field of Environmental Laws and to help in setting up of Green Benches in Thailand. Elected as the Executive Committee member of Asia Pacific Environmental Forum sponsored by Thai Supreme Court, Asian Development Bank, USAID with Sri Lanka, Philippines, China, Indonesia, Vietnam as its members. Chairman of High Court Legal Services Committee, Executive Chairman of Delhi Legal Services Authority, President of Asia Pacific Jurist Association. Has rendered many outstanding judgments in his illustrious career of more than thirteen years as a Judge of Delhi High Court. His contribution in making Public Interest Litigation as an effective tool for protection and conservation of environment and restoring rule of law regarding action taken against unauthorised constructions in Delhi, cleaning of River 'Yamuna' from encroachments, directing re-development of historic Mosque - 'Jama Masjid' and its complex in Delhi apart from other numerous orders which have generated a new hope in the larger sections of the society. His landmark judgments include Privacy in Phoolan Devi's case, concept of Collective Responsibility of a Minister, Power of a Successor Minister to over-rule the decision of his predecessor, Concept of Cabinet form of Government and Doctrine of Collective Responsibility, Power of judicial review in Defence Matters in cases like Lt. General R.S. Kadiyan Vs. Lt. General Kalkat and Air Marshal Masand and in other fields of Civil, Arbitration, Intellectual Property Rights, Rent, Constitutional and Service matters. Elevated as Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court w.e.f. 28-11-2006.