Notifications & Practice Directions

DISCLAIMER: The copies of the Notifications reproduced herein are only for the purpose of information and not substitute for the original record of Notifications.

Sr. No. Title
131 No. 177/Rules/DHC, dated: 18.03.2013 (Notification) {Re: Substituting the existing sub-rule (4) of Rule 42 of "Delhi Judicial Service (Leave) Rules, 2011" by the new sub-rule (4) pertaining to study leave}
132 No. 178/Rules/DHC, dated: 18.03.2013 (Notification) {Re: Substituting the existing sub-rule (4) of Rule 41 of "Delhi Higher Judicial Service (Leave) Rules, 2010" by the new sub-rule (4) pertaining to study leave}
133 {Re: Guidelines for recording of evidence of vulnerable witnesses in criminal matters}
134 No. 529/Rules/DHC, dated: 14.12.2012 (Notification) {Re: Substituting the existing Part L of Chapter 6 of Volume V of High Court Rules & Orders, by the new Part L, u/s 16(2) of the Advocates Act, 1961, for designating an advocate as a senior advocate}
135 No. 469/Rules/DHC, dated: 11.10.2012 (Notification) {Re: Amendment in Notification No. 181/Rules/DHC dated 11.08.2006, designating the Officers of this Court as the Appellate Authority, Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officer
136 {Practice Directions} {Re: Filing of Applications}
137 No. 676/Estt./E-V/DHC/2012, dated: 01.10.2012 (Office Order) {Re: Service of notice on outstation Respondents}
138 No. 261/Rules/DHC, dated: 18.07.2012 (Notification) {Re: Deletion of Rule 4 of Part A of Chapter 8 of Volume III of the High Court Rules & Orders}
139 No. F.1(21)/Regn.Br./DivCom/2010/ dated: 31.07.2012 (Notification) {Re: Bringing into force "The Court Fees (Delhi Amendment) Act, 2012 (Delhi Act 11 of 2012)" w.e.f. 01.08.2012}
140 No. F.1(163)/Regn.Br./DivCom/2011/20767-79 dated: 31.07.2012 (Notification) {Re: Bringing into force "The Indian Stamp (Delhi Amendment) Act, 2012 (Delhi Act 10 of 2012)" w.e.f. 01.08.2012}