Archive Recruitment Results

Sr. No. Job Title Date Application form
21 List of successful candidates for appointment to the post of Law Researcher. 25-08-2023 List of successful candidates for appointment to the post of Law Researcher.
22 Result of Stage-I (Qualifying Stage), i.e., English Typing Test in respect of Senior Personal Assistant (Open) Examination – 2023 held on 02.07.2023. 18-08-2023 Result of Stage-I (Qualifying Stage), i.e., English Typing Test in respect of Senior Personal Assistant (Open) Examination – 2023 held on 02.07.2023.
23 Roll No. wise (Complete) revised result of the Candidates who were called for Interview in the Chauffeur (Open) Examination-2019 in terms of Judgment dated 02.11.2022 passed in Writ Petition (C) No.5200/2018 titled 'Ashu & Ors. Vs. The Registrar General, 25-07-2023 Roll No. wise (Complete) revised result of the Candidates who were called for Interview in the Chauffeur (Open) Examination-2019 in terms of Judgment dated 02.11.2022 passed in Writ Petition (C) No.5200/2018 titled 'Ashu & Ors. Vs. The Registrar General,
24 Revised Final Merit (Category Wise) in Compliance With the Judgment Dated 12.07.2023 Passed in Wp(c) NO.703/2023 by the High Court of Delhi. 24-07-2023 Revised Final Merit (Category Wise) in Compliance With the Judgment Dated 12.07.2023 Passed in Wp(c) NO.703/2023 by the High Court of Delhi.
25 Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the Post of Deputy Counsels at Delhi International Arbitration Centre – 2023 14-07-2023 Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the Post of Deputy Counsels at Delhi International Arbitration Centre – 2023
26 Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the Post of Law Researchers at Delhi International Arbitration Centre – 2023 14-07-2023 Shortlisted Candidates for Interview for the Post of Law Researchers at Delhi International Arbitration Centre – 2023
27 Revised Final Merit (Category Wise) in Compliance With the Orders Dated 17.05.2023 Passed in Slp(c) No. 9920/2023 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Judgment Dated 17.03.2023 Passed in Wp(c) No. 15705/2022 by the High Court of Delhi. 01-06-2023 Revised Final Merit (Category Wise) in Compliance With the Orders Dated 17.05.2023 Passed in Slp(c) No. 9920/2023 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Judgment Dated 17.03.2023 Passed in Wp(c) No. 15705/2022 by the High Court of Delhi.
28 Roll No.-wise (complete) revised result of the candidates who were called for Interview in the Junior Judicial Assistant (Technical) Examination-2018 in terms of Judgment dated 02.11.2022 passed in Writ Petition (C) No. 5200/2018 titled Ashu & Ors. Vs. Th 12-05-2023 Roll No.-wise (complete) revised result of the candidates who were called for Interview in the Junior Judicial Assistant (Technical) Examination-2018 in terms of Judgment dated 02.11.2022 passed in Writ Petition (C) No. 5200/2018 titled Ashu & Ors. Vs. Th
29 Limited Competitive Examination-2022-Select list of recommended candidates in order of Inter Se Seniority as held by them in Delhi Judicial Service. 12-05-2023 Limited Competitive Examination-2022-Select list of recommended candidates in order of Inter Se Seniority as held by them in Delhi Judicial Service.
30 Limited Competitive Examination-2022-Final Result of All Candidates who were shortlisted for Viva-Voce. 12-05-2023 Limited Competitive Examination-2022-Final Result of All Candidates who were shortlisted for Viva-Voce.