What happens once the petition is served and filed?

Once a petition is filed at the filing counter a filing number is given for reference by the officer at the counter. After the filing, the case is listed on the date fixed, which can be found by checking the cause list.

When is a court file opened?

After the petition is filed at the filing counter, and upon its scrutiny by the filing branch and removal of objections, if any, the petition is registered by the Listing Branch. Thereafter the case file is prepared by the Judicial Branch concerned after which peshi is prepared by the Court Master of the concerned Court for perusal of the Judge and arranged as per the cause list. Then the case is heard on the date fixed for hearing before the court.

Do I have to give copies to the other parties?

Yes. Before filing a case copies must normally be served on all other parties.

What happens if I do not file all the required documents?

In case the required documents are not filed, the filing branch will put the case under objection, which shall be removed only upon the presentation of all the required documents. If under objection, the case has to be re-filed after removal of objections within a time not exceeding 7 days at a time and 30 days in aggregate. If the case is not taken back for removal of objections within the time allowed, it shall be registered and listed for dismissal for non-prosecution.

What are the deadlines for filing documents?

Deadlines for filing documents are as per orders of the Court or the Rules.

How many copies of documents are required to be filed?

The Number of Copies to be filed depends upon the coram. In case only one Judge presides over the case, then only one copy needs to be filed. In case of two or more judges, the number of copies equivalent to the number of judges presiding over the case need to be filed.

How do I file a writ petition/suit/appeal (Criminal and Civil) in the High Court of Delhi?

A petition may be filed in person or through an Advocate as per the Rules.

How can a person be considered for a position as a law researcher/intern?

Applications for internship or researchership can be made to the Establishment Branch of the Court. A law student may apply for the position of an intern. To be considered for the post of a law researcher, the applicant must be a law graduate enrolled with a Bar Council. Notices for appointment of law researchers are also published on the website from time to time.

Where can I look for employment opportunities with the High Court of Delhi?

The Registry of the Court publishes notice for public appointments and other recruitments that provide the eligibility requirements and procedure to be followed by the person who wants to get employed in the High Court of Delhi. The High Court website also makes available the notices issued by the Registry for this purpose.

How does one address a judge of the High Court and of the Subordinate Courts?

Although any respectfull form of address should be sufficient lawyers invariably address the judges as "Your Lordship", "Your Ladyship" or "My Lord and those of the subordinate court as "Your Honour".