How many judges are assigned to hear a case?

The Coram (number of judges assigned to hear a particular case) depends upon the nature of the case filed. Presently, there are 8 Division Benches (consisting of 2 Judges each) holding courts regularly. Other matters are heard by a single bench presided over by one judge. Special Benches consisting of three, five or more Judges may also be appointed by the Chief Justice.

What is Coram and how does one know it?

Coram indicates the composition of the bench of the High Court judges hearing a case.  It is available on the Court website under the link “Roster of Sitting Judges

How is a case brought before the High Court of Delhi?

A writ petition or a civil suit invoking the jurisdiction of the High Court of Delhi may be filed with the filing branch at the filing counter, which is open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Urgent filing is open only upto 12 noon, after which the Petitioner has to seek permission of the Court before filing a case..

What is the principle of judicial review?

The principle of judicial review involves a check on the executive and legislative functions of the State. Forming a part of its basic structure, it is available under Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution. However, judicial review is permissible only to the extent of finding whether the process in making the decision under challenge has been observed correctly and not the decision itself.

What is the significance of independence of judiciary?

The Constitution of India envisages a judicial system which is independent from interference from the other organs of State even while it is accountable to the people for the exercise of its power. An essential feature of a democratic system governed by the rule of law is an independent judiciary where judges are able to function impartially and fearlessly.

Are subordinate judges required to make declaration of their wealth and assets periodically?

Yes. The Judges of subordinate courts are annually required to give declaration of their wealth and assets to the High Court of Delhi.

Who appoints judges of Courts subordinate to the High Court?

The judges of subordinate courts are appointed by the Government of NCT of Delhi in consultation with the High Court of Delhi. An examination for this purpose is conducted for the Delhi Judicial Services (DJS) and the Delhi Higher Judicial Services (DHJS) under the supervision of the High Court of Delhi.

Is there a Code of Ethics for the High Court Judges?

The Judges of High Court are guided by the ‘Restatement of Values of Judicial Life’ adopted by the Supreme Court, vide its resolution dated 7th May 1997.

Where can I get details of the declaration of assets by a High Court Judge?

The details are available on the website of the High Court of Delhi under the link “Assests of Judges”.

What is the salary of a High Court Judge?

Subject to deductions, the basic monthly salary of a High Court Judge is Rs. 80,000 plus allowances.